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Explores and traces the development of a specified theme that recurs in literature. Content varies. May be repeated once for credit when the topic changes.
Introduction to plays and poems with emphasis on performances of Shakespeare on stage and film. Recommended for non-English majors.
Content varies. May be repeated for credit. Topics explore the theory of creative expression in poetry, drama, fiction, non-fiction, mixed-genre, or other verbal art. Open to non-creative writing students. Students not meeting prerequisites may enroll with permission from instructor.
Critical reading of the later dramatic works of Shakespeare with emphasis on the tragedies. Students not meeting prerequisites may enroll with permission of instructor.
Examination of critical issues in American literary studies. Content varies.
Dialect variations in languages due to race, social group, sex, region, etc., as well as the predominant attitudes associated with such variety and the social, economic, political and educational implications of these attitudes.
Industry, agency, or university internship.
Synthesis of issues and problems. Application or research skills and knowledge of literary/Cultural traditions.